[A - C] | [D - F] | [G - I] | [J - O] | [P - R] | [S - Z]
Gross Margin: Statement of Net Earnings statistic. Net Sales, minus Cost of Goods Sold.
Gross Margin %: Statement of Net Earnings statistic. Gross Margin on Sales, divided by Net Sales.
Gross Margin on Sales: Finance Statistic. Net Sales, minus Cost of Goods Sold.
Historical Interest Expense: Statement of Net Earnings account. Actual Total Interest Expense incurred by a business during an historical (vs. a forecast) accounting period.
Income Tax (Expense) Credit: Sources and Uses of Cash account. Amount or Federal and state income tax (owed by) owed to a business during and accounting period.
Income Tax Amount: Statement of Net Earnings account. Federal and state income tax expense (credit).
Income Tax Rate: Finance statistic. Provision (Credit) for Income Tax, divided by Earnings Before Income Tax.
Intangible Asset Amortization: Balance Sheet-related account. Periodic (e.g., annual, monthly, etc.) reduction in carrying value of Intangible Assets (patents, purchased goodwill, etc.) owned by a business.
Intangibles: Balance sheet account. Assets which are not physical in nature, and which are usually acquired by acquisition from another business. Examples include trademarks, copyrights, patents and goodwill.
Interest on Line of Credit: Statement of Net Earnings account. Interest expense on Line of Credit borrowings.
Interest on Subordinated Debt: Statement of Net Earnings account. Interest expense on Subordinated Debt.
Interest on Term Loan: Statement of Net Earnings account. Interest expense on Term Loan and Current Maturities outstanding.
Interest Rate on Borrowings: Principal Assumptions/Relationships Report statistic. Estimated interest rate charged on Line of Credit and Term Loan, including Current Maturities.
Interest Rate on Subordinated Debt: Finance statistic. Estimated interest rate charged on Subordinated Debt.
Inventory: Balance Sheet account. Lower of total cost or market value of raw materials, work in process and finished goods (all net of valuation reserves) owned by a business.
Investments: Balance Sheet account. Carrying value of a business' investment in another business, or in securities intended to be owned for more than one year.